Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Design for Integration Framework for Design Excellence The American Institute of Architects

aia framework for design excellence

A number of options are available in a range of sizes, including options for the number of bedrooms and bathrooms, with a provision for a studio apartment in the back of the house or the possibility of a party wall configuration. The Renwick Gallery is a great example of the adaptability of an existing building. The project provided historically sensitive upgrades to the structural system to allow 40 tons of new static load in the Grand Salon for future art exhibits. Passive survivability refers to a building’s ability, or components of the structure, to maintain essential functions and withstand damage after a disaster event whether natural or man-made. Good design is adaptable, resilient, and flexible to change over time—reducing the building’s risk and vulnerability and enhancing its usability, functionality, and value. Among many other topics including indoor air quality and natural light, the Kendeda Building project also ensures that no materials from ILFI’s Red List were permitted in the project.

Delving Into the 2019 AIA COTE Top Ten Winning Projects - ARCHITECT Magazine

Delving Into the 2019 AIA COTE Top Ten Winning Projects.

Posted: Fri, 06 Dec 2019 23:50:24 GMT [source]

Committee on the Environment

Use an integrated design process that respects and values multiple viewpoints. This approach to building design requires a multidisciplinary and collaborative team whose members make decisions based on a shared vision. This differs drastically from the previous design and construction approaches in the industry, which tended to operate in fragmented silos. Local materials (stone for cladding, using trees from the site for tables, salvaged oak planks) play a large role.

Design Excellence case studies: Explore four projects demonstrating successful economic design

An AIA award is the ultimate acknowledgment of impactful, exemplary work in architecture and design. That’s why we’re designing this year’s Women’s Leadership Summit around the theme of building resilience—the ability to adapt to an ever-changing landscape, recover from setbacks, and persevere through difficult times. It celebrates women leaders at every career stage, empowering all of us to change the future.


On the first day of work at my first job out of school, I read electrical meters. At least one day a week for the following year, I was out in the field, reading meters, measuring daylight, or asking people for their thoughts on the spaces they occupied. This experience led me to be curious about the outcomes of any design decision. When choosing a window spec or laying out a floor plan, I think about the electrical meter that will be turning, faster or slower, some years from now, based on the decision I make today. Human-centered design requires a clear understanding of how speech, noise, and sound are perceived within our environments. Research has shown that acoustics are one of the most common complaints in the built environment; poor acoustical performance reduces productivity, increases blood pressure, negatively impacts sleep, and directly impacts our overall wellness.

Design excellence is sustainable, resilient, & inclusive design

The Keller Center doubled student enrollment within the building with only a modest rooftop addition through modeling, improving space utilization, and flexible space usage. Support pet owners and those with service animals with safe spaces for recreation and exercise. Consider providing separate facilities for different-sized dogs and/or other pets.

AIA Announces the 2021 COTE Top Ten Award Winners - ARCHITECT Magazine

AIA Announces the 2021 COTE Top Ten Award Winners.

Posted: Thu, 22 Apr 2021 14:50:10 GMT [source]

Along with several of our peer Chapters, AIA Philadelphia and AIA Pennsylvania have taken the lead on incorporating the Framework into our Design Awards program over the last five years. As part of that program, we developed the Sustainability Framework Form as a concise way to address the Ten Measures with simple yes/no questions and selective project data. Architects for the Austin Central Library looked at adding revenue-generating spaces in the programming phase.

However, architecture services employment was flat at 206,100 in February (the most recent data available). Although employment in the industry increased in January, it has generally been flat or declining every month since the strong gains in early 2023. Learn what types of spaces are currently being used in esports venues and explore the unique creative opportunities that can be mined in this emerging building typology. The jurors review the information provided in the Sustainability Form in addition to the traditional Project Submission for all projects. The jury evaluates entries based on how successfully projects have met their individual requirements and how they relate to the Framework.

aia framework for design excellence

Stipulated sum is also considered to be generally profitable by firms that use it, but nearly one quarter of responding firms (23%) indicated that it is quite risky. And 39% of responding firms that use the percentage of construction cost not to exceed fixed amount method said that they consider to be very risky, which is likely why few firms choose to use it. The local economy is the economy that matters most to a stationary building. It is essential that local residents participate in determining the future of their community and benefit from the construction and occupation of the project. Movement and architecture are inextricably linked, and users experience a space by moving through it.

The Future of Design: The AIA Framework for Design Excellence

aia framework for design excellence

Building design can combat the predilection for physical inactivity and promote healthier behaviors, but it shouldn’t do so at the expense of inclusive design. Thermal comfort is the perception of satisfaction with the thermal environment and is subjectively evaluated. However, the lack of thermal satisfaction negatively impacts productivity and health, so designing for thermal comfort yields multiple benefits for occupants.

To remain flexible, the project used wireless lighting control systems, allowing for the reconfiguration of spaces, while minimizing wiring rework. Explore four COTE® Top Ten award recipients demonstrating successfully designing for change. A deep retrofit transformed this federal office building, bringing dramatically improved performance and occupant experience through a new climate-oriented façade and well-integrated systems, including a new radiant heating and cooling system. Understand and take full advantage of everything the site has to offer, from its deep history through the present and throughout the lifetime of the building. Understanding the natural functions of the site, the origins of human occupation, and the conditions that shaped the site may guide design choices. Good design elevates any project, no matter how small, with a thoughtful process that delivers both beauty and function in balance.

This allows decisions to be informed by the experience of others who faced similar decisions in the past. Unlike a precedent study which only shows what was done, a literature review also reveals the outcome and consequences of those decisions. Absent this process, we’d repeat mistakes perpetually and new impactful ideas would have a much harder time gaining prominence. Beginning with discovery provides the context necessary for evidence-based design. In 2019, the AIA adopted the Framework for Design Excellence as the set of guidelines to address project performance.

Choose healthier materials that support and foster life throughout multiple use cycles and seek to eliminate the use of substances that are hazardous. When you join AIA, you’re joining a community with global reach—and so much more. Good design utilizes informed material selection, balancing priorities to achieve durable, safe, and healthy projects with an equitable supply. These measures offer a framework to guide the design process that can be adapted to any firm regardless of size or location and  regardless of project type, budget, or region of the country or world. AIA COTE has developed the Top Ten Toolkit for just this purpose, and it’s a terrific way to apply these Measures -- the AIA Framework for Design Excellence -- right now. Buildings are subject to environmental, social, and economic pressures and should be designed to adapt over time to provide continued service.

There is a misconception in the industry that sustainable design adds cost so only a few projects with high budgets and ambitious goals can afford to be “sustainable,” but this isn’t accurate. While some features will result in additional costs upfront, many strategies that result in better buildings are cost-neutral or provide initial savings and operational economy. These savings may be critically important when dealing with project types such as affordable housing, where the cost impacts of energy and water use are borne by people least equipped to afford excessive consumption. Architects and designers have become accustomed to designing new buildings with limited lifespans instead of capitalizing on the significant investment and reusing the buildings or building components for generations.

Good design depends on informed material and resource selection—balancing priorities to achieve durable, safe, and healthy projects with an equitable, sustainable supply chain to minimize possible negative impacts on the planet. Most building materials are made from finite virgin resources and end up in a landfill or incinerator. Design and specify for a circular economy by using salvaged and recycled materials, reducing waste generated during construction, and facilitating future reuse of building components and materials. Extending the life of an existing building and utilizing low-carbon products will have a meaningful impact on reducing carbon emissions in the building sector.

Defining Design Excellence: Measure 10 Design for Discovery Begin with Discovery

aia framework for design excellence

Discover how to address historical harms, engage communities, and prioritize civic investments to ensure that the benefits of development are shared equitably. As the Institute focuses on climate action, the COTE Top Ten Measures have been adopted as the AIA Framework for Design Excellence. Understanding the risks that a building may face over the entire service life is critical for preparing for climate challenges. Explore four COTE® Top Ten award recipients demonstrating successful well-being design.

Design for Resources toolkit

Propel your practice’s success with the AIA Framework for Design Excellence—the defining 10 principles of design excellence in the 21st century. In this introductory course, you will learn the origin, evolution, and significance of each of the framework’s principles and examine how they advance progress toward a zero-carbon, healthy, just, resilient, and equitable built environment. Learn from real-world case studies showcasing successful implementations across diverse firms and project types. Plus, you’ll learn how to navigate the valuable online resources for each of the 10 principles to use in your design process for future projects. With mounting crises and an increasing desire for climate action from the architecture profession, firms everywhere are looking to develop skills and expertise around sustainability. While obviously valuable when used in the right context, energy modeling is a poor debut into the world of sustainable design.

ABI March 2024: Architecture firm billings retreat further in March

AIA Design Awards 2023 - Hawaii Business Magazine

AIA Design Awards 2023.

Posted: Sat, 23 Sep 2023 07:00:00 GMT [source]

The mind regulates the state of well-being, in which individuals are able to live to their fullest potential, cope with the normal stresses of life, work productively, and contribute to their community. An equitable and supportive environment makes people feel respected and that their thoughts and opinions matter. These environments are more likely to encourage trust and camaraderie while reducing mental stress and anxiety. Good design supports health and well-being for all people—considering physical, mental, and emotional effects on building occupants and the surrounding community.

Recognizing emerging architect professionals

A bigger building will cost more, use more resources, and consume more energy than a smaller one. Right-sizing decreases a building’s square footage to save construction costs and material resources and reduces the project’s operational and embodied carbon impact. A deep analysis of the building program can yield efficiencies in building size and opportunities to use a single space in multiple ways. The NOAA Daniel K. Inouye Regional Center showcases great examples of flexibility, adaptability, passive survivability, and resilient design focus areas. This project represents a new phase in the site’s rich history and ensures that the building will respond to human and environmental changes. In the event of a natural or manmade disaster, this essential facility can transform its program for emergency response, healthcare, and military defense.

Design for Economy toolkit

This nonprofit lab/office facility serves as an incubator for biotech startups, helping ideas conceived locally to become local jobs and industries. Through integrated systems, building massing, and the enclosure, the New Orleans BioInnovation Center achieves high levels of performance that meet its programmatic requirements. The four-story building is adjacent New Orleans’s historic French Quarter, downtown university campuses, and the Treme neighborhood. A shared direction that all stakeholders can rally around will set the stage early for positive outcomes. Document this direction with a design charter, vision statement, or introduction to the owner’s project requirements.


21st Century Development has several resources that describe a continuum of strategies for sustainable development across each principle and includes international case studies. Lessons From The Leading Edge report from COTE analyzes trends among 20 years of projects that received a COTE® Top Ten Award. If you have any questions or feedback regarding the Framework for Design Excellence, please let us know.

Climate action

AIA National and local chapters have stressed that submitted projects do NOT have to show a high level of achievement in all Ten Measures but need to address them all in the Form. To help the jurors, the form includes spaces for brief narratives – which can be used to refer to information contained in the Project Submission packet. Submitters are strongly encouraged to consider their submission materials in this context. AIA intends the Framework as a direction for us all as we work together on project planning and design, and as a tool for our education into the broader implications of design. Many programs support design excellence and climate action, but sources of funding are constantly changing.

Framework for Design Excellence: Design for Change

However, most firms report that they still have strong project backlogs of 6.6 months, on average, so even with the ongoing soft patch, they still have work in the pipeline. Whether in the context of residential, commercial, or public space, design has the power to reshape communities and improve lives. The American Institute of Architects (AIA) has developed a Framework for Design Excellence, which helps architects articulate the ways in which design reaches beyond the drawings to build a better world.

Principles of the Framework for Design Excellence

AIA is defining what excellent design means in the 21st century through the AIA Framework for Design Excellence, nearly 30 prestigious awards, and innovations that are transforming how we design for climate, people, and communities. Good design supports health and well-being for all people, considering physical, mental, and emotional effects on occupants and the community. Good design reduces energy use and eliminates dependence on fossil fuels while improving building performance, function, comfort, and enjoyment. Good design adds value for owners, occupants, community, and planet, regardless of project size and budget. Employment remained a bright spot, with nonfarm payroll employment increasing by 303,000 new positions. Construction was one of the strongest sectors, adding 39,000 new positions, after averaging monthly gains of 19,000 over the previous 12 months.

Firms are sitting on a wealth of untapped knowledge in their own completed projects. Before attempting to simulate the energy performance of a new building, teams should start by understanding the energy performance of a previously completed project. This can be as easy as calling up a former client and asking how the project is doing, taking a look at a year or two of energy bills, or visiting a building with a critical eye. AIA does not sponsor or endorse any enterprise, whether public or private, operated for profit.

aia framework for design excellence

Good design is resilient and adaptable, it seeks to enhance usability, functionality, and value over time. Good design elevates any project with a thoughtful process that delivers beauty and function. To that end, we will implement intersectionality as a lens throughout this year’s content and education sessions. With intersecting identities, individuals can experience multiple forms of oppression and discrimination. To understand intersectionality, is to recognize that multiple layers of inequality exist and that experiences differ among individuals based on their intersecting identities.

Architecture firm billings also continued to decline at firms in all regions of the country, and at firms of all specializations in March, just like in February. Regionally, business conditions were softest at firms located in the Midwest and South. By specialization, billings declined faster at firms with a commercial/industrial specialization and remained weak at firms with a multifamily residential specialization. However, firms with an institutional specialization reported billings that were essentially flat, marking the third straight month of that trend. Promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion in urban planning requires a holistic approach that considers the roles of downtowns, suburbs, and neighborhoods. Comprehensive land use plans, 10-minute neighborhoods, plus transit- and trails-oriented development are valuable tools in creating inclusive and sustainable communities.

We can imagine the state of medicine if doctors knew what treatments had been administered, but not how they performed, or the state of law if lawyers knew the argument that had been attempted, but not how the case was decided. Architecture has not had a strong culture of post-occupancy and has yet to generate a “literature” of the outcomes that could be reviewed, but what we have in place of casebooks or medical journals are buildings--lots and lots of buildings. Early this month, the AIA Board of Directors ratified the member-passed resolution to focus in the Institute on climate action and adopted the COTE Top Ten Measures as the AIA Framework for Design Excellence.

However, wood pulp, which is a biological nutrient, can often be downcycled into something not quite as substantial as the original product, or can be composted into soil (unless the binders used in the original product are toxic). Some building materials are composite products with unlike materials bound in layers or blended. For example, some blended products contain wood fibers (a biological nutrient) mixed with either cementitious materials or plastic (technological nutrients) and are generally not recyclable.

Climate impact is escalating for every client and community that architects serve. Evaluate a mix of case studies exploring how the framework and its principles have been implemented in different firms, project types, and sizes. Resilient design seeks to maintain the longevity of a building for current and future use and to withstand future climate risks.

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Stay at One of These 12 Miami Hotels with Cruise Parking and Shuttle to Save Money

hotels close to miami cruise terminal

From here, you can get to the port in about 15 minutes and the ride should only be about $10-15. Staying near the airport is more affordable than staying right near the port, and convenient if flying in. Set in the suburban Doral area of Miami, Quality Inn Miami Airport is a straightforward hotel with room furnishings comprised of dark woods with soothing color themes. The hotel has a convenient ‘Stay & Cruise’ package which includes a shuttle services to the Port of Miami for 2 guests. The Residence Inn Miami Airport has two restaurants and used to provide a shuttle service to the port but this service is not longer offered. You can always check at the front desk for latest shuttle information.

Hotels near Miami cruise port

Please note that this package is not always available, please check with hotel directly. A third party transfer can always be organized for an extra charge. Clarion Inn & Suites Miami AirportAnother affordable option that’s right near your flight, this hotel offers free wi-fi, breakfast, and airport shuttle to its guests. About minutes from the cruise port, you can take a shuttle from the hotel for just $12 per person. Rates will vary based on when you stay, and can be under $100 on some nights.

Holiday Inn Express Miami Airport East

When you check-in to the hotel, let them know that you’ll need use of the shuttle and they’ll reserve you a spot. These hotels will also give you a ride to the hotel, while a few will upgrade your room at no additional charge. Finding the right hotel that fits within your trip budget and is close enough to the port is essential. The cost of parking at the cruise port is roughly $22 a night, so if you’re gone for a week, that’s an extra $150 added on to the already high cost of your trip. There are plenty of hotel options for vacationers cruising out of the Port of Miami.

Comfort Inn & Suites Miami International Airport: Overall Score 7.5/10

The Savoy is an oceanfront hotel with a large, sprawling pool space in the Art Deco strip of South Beach. Reaching the cruise terminal from South Beach typically takes around 20 minutes. Also located in downtown Miami is the Marriott Biscayne Bay, a 4-star waterfront hotel attached to a mall.

Located in the vibrant Brickell neighborhood of downtown Miami, W Miami is a high-rise 5 star hotel that is 8 miles from the airport and 2 miles from the cruise port. There is a spa that overlooks Key Biscayne and a rooftop seafood restaurant. Enjoy a private balcony on your room that offers great views of Miami. Located right near the airport, this is a great place to stay if you’re flying in for your cruise.

The proximity of these hotels to the cruise port streamlines your travel logistics, making the first leg of your vacation as stress-free as possible. Moreover, the plethora of amenities, from soothing spas to sizzling nightlife, ensures that your time on land is every bit as memorable as your time at sea. Miami’s cruise port hotels are sanctuaries of relaxation, offering you a variety of ways to unwind and recharge, from glistening pools to soul-soothing spas and sun-drenched decks.

Comparing Free Shuttle Benefits: Is It Worth It or Should You Opt For Paid Services?

You can usually buy a transfer between the airport and the cruise terminal (or your hotel) directly from your cruise line. Sometimes, this is reserved for travelers who've purchased their airfare from the cruise line, but you or your travel agent can call to ask if you can buy the transfers a la carte. As you decide on the perfect hotel to anchor your pre-cruise stay, consider not only the distance to the port but also the experiences you want to savor in Miami. With world-class dining, cultural hotspots, and sun-kissed beaches within reach, the Magic City is your oyster. Embrace the stylish luxury and indulge in the comfort and convenience of being just a mile away from the cruise port.

26 Ideal Hotels Near San Juan Cruise Port - Cruise Hive

26 Ideal Hotels Near San Juan Cruise Port.

Posted: Thu, 04 Jun 2020 19:18:34 GMT [source]

Miami Hotels with Free Shuttle to Cruise Port

hotels close to miami cruise terminal

With a horizon of options from luxurious to budget-friendly, finding an ideal room with an ocean view or within close proximity of the Miami Cruise Port is just a few clicks away. Seize the opportunity to start your cruising adventure with exceptional savings and unbeatable convenience. These serene amenities provide travelers with a blissful retreat amid the energy of Miami’s cosmopolitan surroundings.

Marriott Biscayne Bay

Affordable hotels near the Miami cruise port include the Comfort Inn & Suites Downtown-Port of Miami, Rodeway Inn & Suites, and Holiday Inn Port of Miami-Downtown. These offer value for money while still being conveniently close to the port. The best deal is the “Stay and Cruise” package, which includes a spacious suite with amenities, breakfast, Wi-Fi, and shuttle transport to Miami’s cruise port.

Located in Miami Springs, just north of the airport, the Runway Inn is another great choice for guests who are flying in. Enjoy free Wi-Fi and air-conditioned rooms at this low cost, budget hotel. They also offer free shuttle service to and from the cruise port.

A Lyft or Uber, on the other hand, may only cost around $10-15 dollars total from downtown Miami to the cruise terminal, as it is priced per ride instead of per person. Located just north of Miami cruise port, Hampton Inn & Suites Miami Wynwood is a modern hotel with bay views in the up-and-coming Arts District, close to I-195. Relax and enjoy the outdoor pool, artworks display by local artists, fitness room and multilingual staff. With stunning waterfront views, DoubleTree by Hilton Biscayne Bay is a high-end luxury hotel right on the bay. The excellent amenities include a salon and spa, fitness center, ballroom, outdoor pool, business center and four restaurants including the Zagat awarded Waterclub. Sleep Inn Miami Airport is near Miami International Airport and offers a shuttle pick-up from the airport but currently this Miami hotel does not operate a cruise port shuttle.

Comfort Inn & Suites DowntownSitting right on the Miami River that cuts through downtown Miami, this Comfort Suites is a combination of affordable, but also in the heart of it all. The hotel itself is nothing fussy, making it perfect for people searching for a low-key place to stay. Hotel Colonnade Coral GablesLooking for a high-end hotel in swanky Coral Gables that can also get you to the cruise port? Hotel Colonnade is fancy, but sits right on the Coral Way trolley stop. In addition to the high-end stay, there are a number of shopping and restaurant options right nearby. Hilton Miami DowntownAn upscale hotel with great reviews, there is a lot to like about the Hilton Miami Downtown, including views of Biscayne Bay to put you in the mood for cruising.

Search by budget, size, amenities, and location and then organize your port transfers. If you're into contemporary art, explore NW Second Avenue and its side streets. This is basically an outdoor museum with a variety of colorful wall murals. As you walk and discover the neighborhood's art, you can stop at craft breweries, art galleries and trendy restaurants and cafes. Accepted modes of payment include cash and major credit cards (but not debit cards).

Monday, April 1, 2024

Home Miami Marriott Biscayne Bay Port of Miami Module Home page

hotels close to miami cruise terminal

Convenient for those arriving by air, the hotel also offers free parking for guests during their stay. Part of the Marriott group, the Residence Inn Miami Airport has an excellent reputation for its service and standards. Close to the airport, the hotel is 20 minutes from Miami cruise port.

Four Seasons Hotel Miami

Miami International Airport is just a short drive — about 20 to 40 minutes, depending on traffic — from the cruise port. Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport is an alternative, and the drive to PortMiami from there takes about an hour. After all, with millions of people sailing from the Port of Miami each year, there are a huge number of people that need a place to stay before they embark on their cruise.

Hilton hotels near Miami cruise port

To save a few bucks, park at a nearby lot or hotel and commute from there to your cruise terminal. A variety of local companies operate shared and private van shuttles and limo services from both MIA and FLL to area hotels and the port. Consider vendors like Express Shuttle Miami, which offers shared rides for around $15 per person from MIA and $25 per person from FLL.

Best Hotels Near Miami Cruise Port With Free Shuttle

The hotel has an outdoor pool with sun terrace, a fitness center and a choice of several dining options. Part of the Hilton chain, the Hampton Inn at Coconut Grove / Coral Gables is just a few minutes walk from downtown Miami and 10 minutes drive to the cruise terminals. Amenities include an outdoor swimming pool and a fitness center. Hotel features include a well-equipped fitness center and outdoor swimming pool while Marina’s Bar and Grill is open from early morning to late evening. From the accommodation, you will get excellent views of Biscayne Bay where cruise ships depart and arrive from the port. The best way to get to The Port of Miami, only 10 minutes away, is taking a Cab (fare is approx. $16.00, depending on which terminal) or Uber.

Additionally, we’ve included a list of recommendations for things you can do during your stay in Port Miami (before or after your cruise). You’re about to take a cruise out of PortMiami (sometimes called Port of Miami but official name is PortMiami) and you need a hotel to stay in before and/or after the trip. South Beach has no shortage of boutique hotels, and The Savoy Hotel & Beach Club is another fantastic place to spend a night in Miami.

Cheapest Hotels Near Miami Port

Holiday Inn Port Of Miami-Downtown Hotel Review - Royal Caribbean Blog

Holiday Inn Port Of Miami-Downtown Hotel Review.

Posted: Wed, 07 Nov 2018 08:00:00 GMT [source]

The morning of embarkation should be filled with anticipation, not logistical concerns. You must enquire directly with the hotel if they offer the cruise port shuttle, as services can change anytime. If you prefer to share a taxi, the cruise port is very close and will not take more than 10 to 15 minutes to reach. Choosing the right hotel in Miami revolves around weighing the convenience of free shuttle services against the flexibility and location benefits of paid or rideshare options.

Easy Ways to Get From the Airport to the Miami Cruise Port

Jenna DeLaurentis enjoys exploring new ports of call around the world on a cruise ship, learning about new cultures, discovering beautiful landscapes, and trying diverse cuisine. She loves to get active while at port, whether cycling through mountains in the Caribbean or scuba diving under the sea. The hotel has two acres of private grounds with unobstructed views of the ocean.

Hampton Inn & Suites Miami Wynwood Design DistrictThis hotel is just north of downtown Miami and about 10 minutes away from the cruise port. It’s also convenient to the freeway that runs to Miami Beach if you want to go see the famous South Beach before you catch the ship. As well, as a Hampton Inn, you can have confidence that it will offer a great stay. Extended Stay America — Downtown/Brickell While many hotels in downtown Miami are trendy boutique hotels, you can still find affordable, comfortable options. One of the cheaper options in the downtown/Brickell area, the Extended Stay America offers comfortable accommodations at a reasonable price.

You may find that the overall cost of your room, plus transportation to and from the port, plus breakfast makes them viable options. Located on NE 1st Street in downtown Miami, the Leamington Hotel Miami is hard to beat for value. Rooms start from $62 per night and include Wi-Fi, air-conditioning and continental breakfast. The award-winning Comfort Suites Miami Airport North is 5 minutes from the airport and offers a free shuttle service to both the airport and the cruise port. This contemporary hotel has luxury rooms with ultra-comfort beds, Wi-Fi, mini-fridge and microwave. It’s worth getting up early to enjoy the free hot breakfast buffet before being transported to the ship on the hotel shuttle (fee).

Upgrade to a studio or suite with king bed and start to enjoy your luxury cruise vacation the moment you arrive in Miami. If you’re looking for a Miami hotel with free cruise parking, the La Quinta Inn Miami Airport North may be the right choice for your family. You can park for up to 7 nights with a paid stay the night before your cruise. They do offer a shuttle to the cruise port, but it will run you $15 a person. Guests staying at the La Quinta Inn can enjoy a complimentary breakfast and outdoor pool.

Topping off our list of Miami hotels with cruise parking and shuttle is the Hampton Inn & Suites Miami Airport South – Blue Lagoon. After enjoying their hot breakfast buffet, your family can take their free shuttle to the Miami port to begin your cruise. You can leave one car for up to 7 nights by booking their Park, Stay and Go rate. You can find more information about this room rate by searching for a room to see all available rates. The Hampton Inn also offers a free cruise shuttle to the port of Miami. This includes round trip transportation to the Port of Miami along with a complimentary shuttle service to and from the airport.

hotels close to miami cruise terminal

Surprisingly, we called the hotel and they told us they don’t offer transportation to the port despite the short distance. Even so, an Uber of Lyft would be quick and inexpensive to get to the ship. All of the following hotels are within a short walk of a Coral Way trolley stop to get you to the cruise terminals. With its chic contemporary interior in bold bright colors and Blue Lagoon location, the Pullman Miami Airport Hotel is a good base for extending your cruise experience. La Riviera Restaurant is open from breakfast through to lunch and again in the evening while tempting evening cocktails can be enjoyed in Le Bar. Enjoy your stay at the Courtyard by Marriott Miami Airport with newly redesigned rooms and suites that give guests a nice view of the Miami skyline.

Better pre-cruise stay option: Airbnb vs hotel? (Honest Pros & Cons) - Royal Caribbean Blog

Better pre-cruise stay option: Airbnb vs hotel? (Honest Pros & Cons).

Posted: Sat, 19 Nov 2022 08:00:00 GMT [source]

Transportation is the last thing we want to worry about when we start our cruise vacation, and it is ideal if we can plan everything before leaving home. Located in the heart of South Beach, the Gale South Beach is an excellent place to spend the night in Miami. With a rooftop pool, on-site Italian restaurant, and stylish rooms, it makes for a relaxing place to escape the hustle and bustle of South Beach. Located adjacent to the Marriott Biscayne Bay and also attached to The Grand Retail Plaza Mall is the DoubleTree Biscayne Bay.

Hyatt Regency Coral Gables is an upscale four star hotel in an older part of Miami, an easy taxi ride from Miami cruise port. This newly refurbished luxury hotel has a Mediterranean style throughout its 254 elegant rooms and suites. Cruisers should enquire about the best rates for the “Extend your Miami Cruise Experience” which includes comfortable accommodation, breakfast and free courtesy shuttle to Miami cruise port. This Miami cruise hotel is ideal for those flying into Miami ready to depart on a cruise from the Port of Miami. Notify the desk on arrival to book your seat on the shuttle. The transfer to the cruise port is free but those arriving by cruise and wanting to stay the night at the Comfort Suites will be charged a $10 pick-up fee per adult.

Situated in the beating heart of downtown Miami, this hotel is an effortless blend of modern vibes and soothing atmospheres, all wrapped up in a package perfect for any enthusiastic cruiser. You will often need transportation beyond port-related transfers, enabling you to explore the city’s offerings easily. And to reach places further afield, such as Fort Lauderdale, the Brightline high-speed train service is easy to use and priced just right. Although it may not be a luxury resort, it provides substantial comfort and convenience, especially for those on a budget.

Alaska Cruise Reviews 2024 UPDATED: Ratings of Cruises to Alaska

alaska cruise reddit

Some cruise lines offer pre or post-cruise fly-in opportunities to remote areas of Alaska, like leaving from Fairbanks to the visit the Arctic Circle. Cruises are typically offered in three-night, seven-night, and even up to 28-night cruises. On average, a seven-night cruise ranges from $500 to $5,000, depending on the cruise line and state room of your choice. The price typically includes all on-board expenses such as food, room, and on-ship activities.

Alaska Northern Lights Cruises: When to Go and What to Consider

For your on-shore day excursions, be sure to pack layers of clothing and rain gear so that you can be comfortable. Base layers with a windbreaker and rain jacket are great options. Proper footwear is also important and be sure to bring hiking shoes if you plan to enjoy outdoor activities. In Alaska this will include orcas, humpback whales, dolphins, sea otters, eagles and even bears if you are lucky! One thing to check if possible is that you are not in a middle corner room.

New ‘entitled’ cruise balcony trend crew want stopped - Escape

New ‘entitled’ cruise balcony trend crew want stopped.

Posted: Tue, 16 Apr 2024 01:07:20 GMT [source]

How to Pick Your First Travel Rewards Credit Card

The company operates its own lodges, rail cars and motorcoaches for exploration of Alaska's interior and beyond. The best Alaska cruises range from off-the-beaten-path voyages on vessels carrying fewer than 100 passengers to weeklong jaunts through the Inside Passage aboard megaships that hold thousands. Most major cruise lines also offer the opportunity for pre or post-cruise land packages that will take you by bus or train to destinations in Southcentral and Interior Alaska. If you have the time, these cruise packages give you the best of both worlds for exploring Alaska's coastal communities and some of the top sights in Alaska's heartland, including Denali National Park.

Best cruise line for adventurers

They are generally visible across the state, so any itinerary will likely do, though you'll have the best show in less populated areas like Denali National Park. You'd also do well to look at the moon cycles, as a full moon can drown out the Aurora Borealis. You're in luck if you're hoping to see whales on your Alaska cruise, as the majority of the cruise season coincides with whale season. Humpback whales can be found in the waters of the Gulf of Alaska and are some of the most frequently spotted, though you may also see orcas and gray whales as well. What can really set a cruise to Alaska apart from any other cruise you’ll take are the shore excursions.

Early Sept is my favorite time to go and we've always had great luck in terms of weather and if you are a shopper, there are so many deals to be had. Don't forget to take your sunscreen and layers with one waterproof layer in the event of rain. We are booked on the May 10 and May 20 cruises in the Ruby. Same basic stops but due to distance it is 10 days  (more sea days). Also, I consider May better because of few children as school is still in session.

Royal Caribbean cancels another Radiance of the Seas cruise due to ongoing propulsion problem - Royal Caribbean Blog

Royal Caribbean cancels another Radiance of the Seas cruise due to ongoing propulsion problem.

Posted: Tue, 05 Sep 2023 07:00:00 GMT [source]

Whether you’re traveling with kids or looking for an unforgettable couple’s adventure, a vacation like this delivers on every level. From Alaska’s incredible natural wonders and awe-inspiring landscapes, to its rich cultural heritage and history, nothing beats a cruise to this wild northern paradise. These cruises offer the benefits of a wider range of itineraries, shore excursions, departure dates, and availability and take you to all of the must-see stops along the way.

Temperatures in Alaska can change considerably from one destination to the next. That includes warm days, where even being near a glacier or a passing cloud (or socked-in rain) can make things chilly. Want to get an even bigger taste of Alaska's natural wonders? One-way Gulf of Alaska itineraries are the best option for Alaska touring, as they begin or end in Alaska.

Selecting A Cabin Type For Your Alaska Cruise

Seabourn Odyssey sails both one-way itineraries between Vancouver and Juneau and round-trip itineraries from Vancouver. It visits popular Alaska ports like Ketchikan and Sitka, as well as less-touristed destinations like Wrangell, Prince Rupert (a port city in Canada) and Rudyerd Bay. Note that the ship is departing the cruise line after its Alaska season, so this is your last chance to sail on the elegant cruise ship. When it comes to cruising in Alaska, you’ll be spoiled for choice as no other state has more coastline to explore.

Cheap 2024 Alaskan Cruises (Starting at Just $

There are a number of places that you can visit on an Alaskan cruise, with most week-long trips working in a visit to four ports and viewing a glacier from the ship. So you can take multiple cruises before you hit all the available ports of call. Remember that most trips last a week, meaning there aren’t many opportunities for inexpensive, short getaways like you see from ports in Florida. As well, you have to factor in things like shore excursions, which tend to cost more than on a cruise to elsewhere. And those ports of call are also something that makes Alaska special. Let’s be honest, Caribbean and Bahamian ports are nice, but they are almost always built around serving cruise ships, giving a very touristy feel.

alaska cruise reddit

Alternatively, a one-way cruise in June for two people in an inside cabin (including taxes and fees) on the 22-year-old Radiance of the Seas would come to $1,126. That’s substantial savings for choosing a one-way cruise on an older ship over a roundtrip itinerary. The two-year-old Discovery Princess sails round trip to Alaska from Seattle, a convenient U.S. home port for families to fly or drive to.

Being on the water, you’re also able to get up close to the scenery. Whether you’ve sailed dozens of times or never stepped foot on a ship, there’s plenty to know about taking a cruise to this part of the world. Below, we cover a cruise to Alaska from bow to stern, including everything from costs to tips and much more. Maybe you’ve sailed the Caribbean, but we can tell you that the experience of sailing Alaska is completely different in what you see, the experience onboard, and even your other passengers.

The Inside Passage, which is the inner route that takes you all around the southeast of Alaska, takes you right next to the stunning landscape all day long. As well, there’s arguably no better way to see the landscape and scenery of Alaska. With trips around the Inside Passage, you don’t just head to port and then out to sea again. Your trip takes you right next to majestic mountains, ice flows, and glaciers.

When I selected several consecutive summer months, I don't think it was working. So, make sure you search different ways to see all sailings. Still snow on the ground and lots of bear cubs with their mommas. As far as cruising months, May has the least amount of rain and every month after has more potential for rain (historically). I have gone Mid-May many times and they have all been wonderful.

Then there's the unpredictable Alaska weather on top of it all. Balconies Are Worth It, But Don’t FretYes, if you’re going to get a balcony cabin, then Alaska is a great place to do it. There’s plenty to see the entire trip, and it’s nice to be able to simply step out on the balcony to take in the view. Since most of the country lives far from these ports, you’ll have to consider airfare and transportation to the port. Cruises to Alaska can vary greatly, but even a good deal will typically be $600-$700 per person as a minimum for an interior cabin.

With so many unusual onboard amenities, you may find it hard to get off the ship. This is also one of the biggest cruise ships to sail in Alaska. The tradeoff between lots of fun activities is sharing them with nearly 5,000 other people. One of the most important things to consider when booking a solo trip is avoiding the surcharge for a solo cabin—most cruise lines price cabins as double occupancy. You’ll find stunning ships like Seabourn Odyssey with only 229 suite cabins, guaranteeing a small-ship experience with big-time amenities.

When we arrive in any new travel destination we always take a walk and familiarise ourselves with the area, and on-board a cruise is no different. Boarding a cruise is probably the only part of a cruise that can be a bit slow. Personally I would advise arriving a night before so that you do not have to worry about this. This Alaska cruise was my second time visiting Alaska, and both times I visited in mid-May and was blessed with absolutely amazing weather with sunshine and clear skies everyday. We've cruised up to Alaska a dozen times (yes, it's our favorite itinerary). So far, we've gone once in early May, once in mid-May, once in mid to late August, once in mid to late Sept and the rest in the first week of Sept.

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